Thursday 17 October 2013

Amanda Vanstone: You must really love cake

‘Insert:  picture of Vanstone eating a big piece of cake with some slobber running down her chin.’

Vandstone is a media-savvy obese person playing hardball, but being a sad story
should not entitle her to free healthcare in Australia.

One could be forgiven for thinking Australia was somehow responsible for making Vanstone overweight.  Sugar on the table? If anyone doubts that this person knows full well what she was doing, ask me, I’m a personal trainer.

If Vanstone actually loved her family, she would have lost 20, 30 maybe even 40kg years ago.

Burdon on the tax system? People like Vanstone cost the country $120 billion each year. Blah, blah and blah.

Anyone can be a vile. It isn’t hard.

1 comment:

  1. Similar things could be said about Gina, Joe, Clive and co.
